Recreational creation.

I’m having a terrible time working today, between unexpected visitors and overexcited children and housework. I had a computer day planned anyway, since my hands have started cracking from the dry air and need a day or two off from the extra handwashing that goes along with working with the yarn…I never start work on anything without re-washing my hands first…but even that I’ve been unable to get to. Hell, I haven’t even gotten to shower yet, and really? The chances of getting to at this point aren’t high.

I desperately need to take pictures for the shop, and I’m a bit stressed over how I’m going to manage this winter, because there is so little light to work with if it isn’t sunny, and again today with the brilliantly-sunny-in-the-morning and the go-shoot-yourself-dreary in the afternoon. You know, the sort of overcast that leaves the weather people insisting that it really *is* sunny because they can’t see it on the damned satellite, but it’s not. At all. I’ve got to figure this one out, but it’s everything I could do to figure out how to take pics with the setup I’ve got now, and I have no idea how to change it and no idea how I can figure *anything* out with three kids trying to destroy everything I do.

Do I sound frustrated? ‘Cause I’m frustrated. Gah.

In any case, all is well. I’m just presently residing the other side of seriously stressed out, and it’s coming out in the way that relatively minor things drive me crazy. One thing I’ve realized, though, is that all work and no play makes Deb a pissy girl, so I’ve gone ahead and started a project that’s actually for my own enjoyment. I’m going to have to use it carrot-style, but that’s good, right? I’ve got a few skeins of Homespun that need to become something, so they’re going to become a giant granny ‘ghan. I figure I can work on it in the evenings when I’m too burned out or tired to work on things for the shop, or when I’ve done enough work on it to take a celebratory run at another project.

Maybe I can work up to working on the Monster. ROFL! (The Monster being the ten-years-old WIP granny ‘ghan from hell, which took an unfortunate turn years and years ago and is in serious need of serious help to straighten it out…how can you mess up a granny ‘ghan, you ask? Well, I’ll have to get a picture of the thing and show you…I knew a *lot* less about crochet then than I do now. And really, the urge is strong to just frog the thing, or at least part of it. But I’ve got this complex about it at this point, you know?)

Oh, well. I’m going to try to actually answer my e-mail now, before the baby wakes back up…

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