Freeform Madness

I’m trying to remember what it was that got me started looking at freeform work (oh! it was a thread at the ‘ville, which is down right now or I’d link it), but I think I’ve spent the entire week doing little but staring at lovely, lovely scrumbles and thinking about them and trying to decide how I feel. I’m fascinated, in a distinctly, “I want to do that,” sort of way. Hmmm.

Dishcloth production continues apace. I finished one custom and immediately picked up another. I’ve had multiple sales this week! I got my buttons today for the smaller coin purses I’ve been planning. And the bigger ones. I’ve got snowmen on the brain. And I’m planning to rip out a bit of the giant granny and incorporate some baby yarn I’ve had sitting around. And I’m thinking of doing a rectangle granny in thread. Just because it would be cool looking. And make me crazy. And I go for that combo, lately.

First things first, though. I’ve got a snowperson to finish (and gift), a wallet to finish, a dishcloth to finish. Oh! And a half-finished set of coasters. Then maybe crazy weird fun stuff.

There are just not enough hours in the day to deal with all of the ideas running around in my head. But you know what? I wouldn’t give up the time with the kids for anything. You should have seen the huge gummy baby grins I got today.


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