Daily Archives: May 1, 2008

Behind and fixin’ to get more so.

I haven’t made a point of outlining my family’s financial situation here, because it has nothing at all to do with crochet. Well, unless you count the degree to which I’m annoyed by the vicious classist rhetoric surrounding the very existence of Red Heart Super Saver, but I’ve managed to mostly tune that out while mentally composing notes for the rant to end all rants over it, but that’s another post for another day.

In any case, things are tight. Hell, things were tight 6 months ago. They’re impossible now. My ventures have helped, but not enough. I haven’t found a job even remotely related to what I was doing before, and my husband is still hunting for something steady, too. So I’m starting a job Saturday morning stocking shelves. Doesn’t pay great, but it will juuuuuuuust cover the rent if the hours are as advertised and the taxman doesn’t help himself to more than Social Security. Which means I’ll probably fall short, but that’s better than we’ve been doing.

So I’m afraid that we’ll probably go from quiet to really quiet here with the additional time constraints. Though I wouldn’t be completely shocked if spending some of my time out in the world unleashed a bout of chatty, so who knows. LOL. I fully intend to keep the Etsy shop going, no matter what else happens. In any case, don’t be surprised by anything you see here during the transition. 🙂