Monthly Archives: August 2012

Shapely Boyfriend

So I decided I wasn’t going to let the sweater thing beat me and I cast on for Shapely Boyfriend:


So far, so good. I seem to be getting gauge and I’m rather happy overall with how it’s looking. All of those nifty increases! My knitting looks fancy. 🙂

Love this book so much!


I found this at a little bookshop in Maine this week and had to have it. It’s s story about a little girl who finds a magic box of yarn. The kids love it, but I got it for me because I was tickled by the concept and crazy about the illustrations.

Amazon link.

I hate knitting socks.

But I love sock yarn. Isn’t that a bitch? Not that I can’t find plenty of uses for it, but it looks so good as socks, you know?