Category Archives: Blogging

Now that I’m all settled in…

It’s probably past time for a substantive post.

I don’t have much, though.

I’ve been thinking about what it is that I want to do when I can actually get a shop opened, but the conclusions I’ve drawn aren’t something I’m ready to send out in the world yet. Does that sound weird? I have this habit, though, of sucking the life out of things before I can even get them going because I talk them to death before they can happen. I need to *do* first and point to what I’ve done after, if that makes any sense. Otherwise they don’t get done.

I need to go through and pick out what I’m going to put over on the other site as possible direct sales and get pics while it’s sunny this afternoon. I’m terrified of doing that, but it’s a nice way to possibly sell off some of what doesn’t fit with the theme that’s beginning to evolve in my work, and maybe make us a little less desperately broke at the same time.

Not that this is desperately broke. There is, after all, more money we know will be coming. Truly desperately broke would be if there was no income in sight.

I really need to feel less useless. Even if nobody goes for any of it, just trying helps.

More later.

Hello world!

Woo-hoo! Got it set up…now to get things moved around! I love this message:

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Other progress.

I’ve been quiet because I’m about 98% sure I’m going to move this blog any time now, and I have this strange reticence about continuing to post knowing I’m going to be moving it, even though that makes absolutely no sense since it’s just as easy to move another post or two as it is to do what’s already here. Just one of those things, I guess.

I’ve been on a serious cleaning binge and haven’t gotten much work done the last few days, so there’s not really anything to report on that front.

Er, that’s about it. 🙂

Pardon the rearrangements…

I’m trying to make the place look a little more lived-in, but I’m having trouble deciding what to put where.

Of course, once I decide I’ll just wind up changing it in a week, anyway. LOL. But it will be nice to make it look less “new,” even though it is. 🙂