Category Archives: Design

Here’s a question for you…

What is the deal with uneven button eyes? Because I was just getting ready to sew uneven button eyes on a doll I’ve been working on, and I realized that half of the stuffie/plushie/whathaveyous that I’ve seen in the last couple of months have uneven button eyes.

I mean, yeah, it looks wicked cool, but whaaaaa? You know? I always wonder how these things get started. 😀

What I’ve been working on, exhibit the second:

A new pattern! This one is for the little gift card cozy I’ve gotten so fond of. They work up wicked quick, look cool, and help personalize a little. They’re great instead of or in addition to a greeting card. They’re what to give when you don’t know what to give! LOL. I really love the things. Can you tell? 😉

Anyway, it’s up and it’s free. Enjoy!

What I’ve been working on, exhibit the first:


New Section

Up in the navigation bar there you’ll see a link labeled “Patterns.” There’s only one there at the moment, the rectangle granny bookmark that I’ve gotten so fond of making, but it’s there, by gum, and you can visit it. And that one is free! Woo-hoo!

Time for some new goals.

In no particular order other than the one in which I remembered them while writing this:

Number 1 ought to be blogging more than once a week! LOL. I’d like to find and fix up a new theme for the thing, too. I’ve not got much of a theme-y attention span, I’m afraid.

Number 2 relates to being positive about the chances of getting a table at a small craft fair I’ve applied for, and having plenty of stuff done to cover that event. And of course, if that *doesn’t* work out, well then I’ve got plenty for Etsy.

3 is sprucing up the Etsy shop.

4 is finishing the design on a holiday item I’ve been contemplating and have about half worked out.

5 is writing the pattern for that one when it’s done, because it’s the sort of thing I could really have used as a beginner.

6 is a post I’ve been meaning to write about how important all of the impossibly detailed beginner stuff is, because beginners need patterns too.

7 is some free patterns for this site, since I really do believe that having access to patterns that the experienced might not think even need writing *is* important for beginners. I think stating clearly exactly how to do something that seems very simple can be dead useful for both parties involved.

8 is the freeform project I’ve made a few bits and pieces for, and the one I have in mind.

9 is the Monster…a post on that is coming soon.

10 is commenting where I have something to say. I never seem to have time to actually leave a freaking comment when I first see something. Hell, I suppose I’m lucky I manage to *read* anything at all with the kids helping me.

11 is updating Ravelry. How sad is it that I can’t come up with the money to get a beta tee? I’d love one of those shirts. *sigh*

12 is updating the blogroll.

13 is catching up with this.

14 is taking a pic of my giant granny and posting an update at the Granny-Along.

15 is…um…I’m sure there’s something else. There’s always something else.

Life is good. 😀


I’m at the point where I need a change, so it’s been thread day around here today. I’m making Christmas-y things with red and green thread, including some granny-square-ish bookmarks and cetera. The change of pace helps with the soreness I sometimes get in my hands and wrists. Right now one wrist is very sore from the crochet (and mousing adds to that, I’m sure) and the other is very sore because I fell rather heavily (hah!) and awkwardly on it yesterday. I’m a grand clutz. Nothing new. That one is actually worse–the typing is *painful*–but the thread work? Not noticing it at all. If I ever get all of the kids in bed, I’m going to switch to working on a wallet I started a while back, also in thread.

Still with the too many ideas dancing in my head. I wish I had all day to work on these things. I never expected to fall in love this way this time, but it’s happened. More on that in another post at another time, methinks.

Thing 1


Don’t ask me.

Watch for further developments…

(And yeah, not a great picture, but it’s what I have…)

Freeform Madness

I’m trying to remember what it was that got me started looking at freeform work (oh! it was a thread at the ‘ville, which is down right now or I’d link it), but I think I’ve spent the entire week doing little but staring at lovely, lovely scrumbles and thinking about them and trying to decide how I feel. I’m fascinated, in a distinctly, “I want to do that,” sort of way. Hmmm.

Dishcloth production continues apace. I finished one custom and immediately picked up another. I’ve had multiple sales this week! I got my buttons today for the smaller coin purses I’ve been planning. And the bigger ones. I’ve got snowmen on the brain. And I’m planning to rip out a bit of the giant granny and incorporate some baby yarn I’ve had sitting around. And I’m thinking of doing a rectangle granny in thread. Just because it would be cool looking. And make me crazy. And I go for that combo, lately.

First things first, though. I’ve got a snowperson to finish (and gift), a wallet to finish, a dishcloth to finish. Oh! And a half-finished set of coasters. Then maybe crazy weird fun stuff.

There are just not enough hours in the day to deal with all of the ideas running around in my head. But you know what? I wouldn’t give up the time with the kids for anything. You should have seen the huge gummy baby grins I got today.


Pressed for time.

I’ve started to get so damned frustrated with how little time I have to work on things. I know it’s a temporary condition, I know I should be sitting back and enjoying my last baby’s babyhood, but let’s face it: when I’m not in any state to relax, I’m not in any state to relax, and that I might one day regret not enjoying it more is no way to talk myself into enjoying it now.

Besides, I know from experience that I won’t remember any of it anyway. Sleep deprivation kills my memory.

Something has to give, though. I spent 2 1/2 hours this morning trying to write a new listing and never did finish. I’ve got a gang of other things to do for the shop, in terms of just shopkeeping and promoting and I really, really can’t keep up with it right now. Hell, I’ve hardly had time to poke around Ravelry, and the sweet folks who tested for me at the ‘Ville probably think I’ve fallen off the edge of the Earth.

We will not speak of my kitchen floor. *shudder*

I think for the moment I’m going to focus on getting things made. I have a bunch of ideas floating around in my head, and I’d like to capture them before they’re gone. The selling needs to come after I have things to offer for sale, you know? The shop definitely needs to be better stocked. I’d like to have the banner/avatar redone, too. I have absolutely no time to figure out how to make those just now.

Also, the house cleaned. Because really, that’s the other component of my “day job” and it’s got to get done.

So, priorities in order, I’m off to stumble through some more of my day. In the rain. That we need, but it’s so not helping me stay awake…

Little Purses for Coins, oh my!

I put together the most wonderful little coin purse this weekend and I’m in the process of duplicating it right now. I am so in love with this little project that it isn’t even funny.

So if you’re wondering where I am…that would be where I am. LOL.