Monthly Archives: June 2007

It’s the end of the month, so it seems like a good time to find and list the WIPs floating around here…

Right now I’ve got the follwing projects at some stage past started and before finished:

–Card wallet in purples (% finished depends on how elaborate I eventually make it)
–Snowman “sculpture” (body finished, so say 65%…the finishing is hardest for me, by far)
–A blue critter (75%)
–Sadie’s “do-over” hat (50%)
–Squiggly-Wiggly trivet (just started)
–The Monster (10 year old, half-finished granny ‘ghan)

Partial patterns written for “orange critter” and the snowman.

Some pics taken for Etsy store. Have started writing item descriptions. On hold waiting for my new card to show up so I can sign up as a seller.

Er, I’m probably forgetting something. I almost always do. Hence the attempt to make lists! 😀

So excited!

I finally found something to do with all of the unmercerized cotton thread I mistakenly bought a few weeks ago. And even better, it comes in the form of my very first CAL at Crochetville! I can’t wait to get started!

You know what?

It’s ridiculously freaking hard to take good pictures of things made from yarn.

Just for the record.

Still hatin’ on the weather.

Good Dog, I’m boring, aren’t I? ROFL.

Cooler today but no sunlight so I’m going to have to get over my pathological need to take pictures *next* and move on with what I’m doing. And do some serious housecleaning.

I ripped out the hair I’d put on one of the little beasties last night and replaced it with a beret. I love, love, love the result. Like all of these critters, it makes me smile. Hopefully it’ll make y’all smile, too.

If I ever get a decent picture of it!

I had no idea that I’d need mad photography skillz so much for crochet. 🙂

I love my kids. I really do.

But Oh. My. Goodness. can they be destructive from time to time. I mean, I know that a pair of toddlers is pretty much a recipe for disaster if they aren’t closely supervised, but from time to time they outdo themselves in truly stunning ways.

I went shopping today without them, and had a fine time. As a matter of fact, I feel pretty guilty because I took a bit longer than I probably should have. I got all blissed out shopping alone and lost track of time, lol. In any case, I came home to what I can only consider my just reward: an entire corner of my bedroom festooned with obnoxiously tangled yarn. The majority of the skeins I’ve been working from had been ripped down off of their shelves and ripped apart.

I can’t tell you how sad that makes me.

These are the times when I struggle with being someone’s mother. It seems so often like I have so little that’s mine. I feel pretty crowded most of the time, to be honest. Part of what I enjoy so much about crochet is that it *is* mine in a funny way that I can’t exactly explain. It’s both something I do for myself and something that provides a weird continuity with my life before I had kids.

They don’t understand that picking that particular thing to destroy was more hurtful than just about anything else they could have chosen. And they were punished appropriately before I even got home. But I’m having a hard time not going completely nuts at them anyway, because they took the one thing I’ve been holding on to for sanity and arranged it so that I can’t enjoy it properly. I can’t afford to replace it all, and really, it doesn’t need to be thrown away, since they didn’t do any actual damage to it. They just made such a mess of it that it will take hours of patient work to untangle it all. Is it really so much to ask that I be able to spend my very limited crochet time actually, you know, crocheting?

*bangs head against wall*

Stupid Weather.

I was on such a roll, too. Well, up until a couple of days ago, anyway. Yesterday there were other problems, and today it was 95 (!) degrees and we stayed out of the house all day. Tomorrow it’s supposed to be at least as hot and I’ll be gone all day, too. And the next day. Bah! I was aiming for the shop-opening at the start of next week, but I’m having trouble even being managing to be home at a decent time to take a picture (since the macro setting is pretty useless without copious natural light).

I do so miss air conditioning. We’ll have some around here as soon as we figure out what we did with the hardware we need to mount the damned window unit, which we apparently put Someplace Really Obvious when we moved in a couple of years ago. LOL!

Anyway, I’ve got me an idea, I just have to sit down and play with it. Maybe I’ll go do that now. In thread, because it’s so hot that yarn no matter how small feels, well, yarn-y. *snicker* You know what I mean, though, I suspect…


I’m having such a terrible time getting anything done. It’s like the mere intent to work throws off weird vibes that disrupt the entire household. What’s up with that? I know the husband has troubles with the same thing from time to time. It’s starting to make me wonder if the house is haunted.

The quest for the perfect critter.

I’ve spent the last couple of days working on a little fellow who Just. Won’t. Work. Out quite right. I rather suspect he needs to go on the shelf for a few days. I think he could still potentially makes some sort of sense if he’s embellished right, but what “right” will be just hasn’t come to me yet.

If you’d asked me even a few months ago if I’d have any interest in crocheting anything 3-D, I’d have laughed at you, I think. And this has turned out to be the most fun I’ve ever had with hook in hand. Innit life a kick sometimes?

Today’s additions to the yarn stash:


I’d planned on picking up the cotton. The RHSS was a $1 clearance item, the black $2.50. I grabbed some anyway since I am was so close to out of it. I’ve been going through black yarn like crazy lately.

Thank God H. Lee Scott hasn’t taken my crafts section away. Yet. He’d better not. OTOH, he’s doing away with all of this crazy talk about the need to rein in Wal-Mart, since he’s killing it anyway. And that makes the world a more peaceful place, doesn’t it?

Awesome progress.

I have everything in line now to be able to open a shop at Etsy. I just have to get *my* ducks in a row and get photos taken, descriptions written, and all of that good stuff. I don’t figure it’ll take me more than a week or so to really get everything in order.

I am So. Freaking. Excited. about this! Also nervous. But really excited. Yay!