Monthly Archives: June 2007

A non-report report.

Just plugging away over here on my latest creation. And trying desperately to stay awake, because I got just enough sleep to make me sleepier. And looking around at the house and thinking that it’s time to put the yarn down and clean things up a bit.

You know, the usual. 🙂

Now that’s true love.

You know it’s true love when the husband comes home from Wal-Mart with a new spool of crochet thread for you. 🙂

Work notes.

I’m disturbingly close to having a pattern worked out that I believe I can write up successfully and sell. In the process, I’ve created a couple of wicked cute little creatures that really should be for the shop-to-be but will be hard to part with. I’d love to work on getting that written up this afternoon, but I have to go see the midwife instead. Silly life.

In any case, that’s the focus for the moment. I need to post a few more things at the other blog. It’s been surprisingly hard for me to do that, because I tend to be unimpressed with my own work. Which is goofy, because even the stuff I regard as “less creative” is still beautifully executed. I’m good at this. And I love simple things.

Ah, well. Insecurity is part of what drives a body to improve, yes?

The K-Tel Knitter

I’d forgotten the thing existed, until I was talking over crafts past with Jay the other night and it popped into my head the way these things seem to. And just the way these things seem to, it showed up again today in my wandering around the web.

I love the way the world works sometimes.

And the wildness of this month continues…

I’ve got a few stray creations up for sale now at Blogblivion.

Well, so much for being settled in.

I was so happy with the way I had things set up, too.


The theme I was using was causing me odd problems with getting pictures to work properly in the posts themselves. Something in the CSS was forcing the text into an unnatural relationship with the image, and we can’t have that. So back to the one that plain damned works for the moment. Hell, maybe I’ll just fix this baby up. Might save me a boatload of aggravation, by the looks of it. Decent themes are a lot harder to come by than a body might think.

Now, to post what I was trying to post in the first place! Right after I make sure that everything is where it should be…

I just love this:

The Top 10 Geekiest Yarn Creations on the Web


Weird working habits are beginning to crop up.

Now that I’m looking at this from a potential business angle, I’ve become a bit more industrious but no less disorganized in the way that I actually work. The backend stuff is coming along fine; the biggest hold-up there is the need to change my name on an account that never got changed (well, and get that card below the limit, lol, because it’s been that kind of month). Making paperwork behave is a big part of what I used to do for a living, and apart from my lack of love for interacting with bureaucracy (and really, does anyone love it?), I’m pretty good at it. So no disorganization worries there.

The actual work/creative/whatever process, though, is not so organized. And I’m not sure I can make it organized. I need to be able to see what I’m creating in my head, and some days that’s there and some days no matter what I do I can’t make it be. I’m certainly feeling more steadily creative as I consistently spend time at it, but I’m finding that my “disorganization” is really to my benefit in that I have many pieces in progress at any given time, and if I can’t figure where to go next with what I’m trying to design, I have another design–or even better, a traditional project–to fall back on while the back of my mind works it out.

I feel awfully silly sometimes talking about this process in such a highfalutin’ sort of way, considering that the patterns I’m working out are fairly simple, but it’s a certain type of process even if it’s resulting in simple things. It feels a little like writing, and the point I’m trying to make is something like the difference between James Patterson and, say, Michael Connelly. Just because Patterson turns out short snappy sentences and short snappy chapters instead of long, dense, dark ones doesn’t mean he doesn’t sit down and write the book, you know? Or for you science fiction fans, take John Scalzi and, say, Kim Stanley Robinson. Totally different styles, but one isn’t creative and the other not.

In any case, there’s something, no matter how ill-defined, that needs to happen for work to happen, and I’m learning to coax it along though I’m not always successful. And that’s fine. This can’t be a full-time job for me, and so the more natural the arrangement that getting the work done falls into, the more will get done. And that’s a good thing.

All of that as a prelude to announcing my happiness at finishing a couple of projects last night. One was a card wallet that’s been sitting there waiting for a button for about a week. Another was the project I’m working on that I’m hoping to make a pattern from in addition to a finished item or three. I also finished the main parts of 2 more things, both of which are now just waiting for their finishing touches.

Which is why I love having so many things going at so many different stages. When I need the triumph of finishing something, I have something close enough to finish. When I need something tamer, I’ve got that too. And all of these things cross-fertilize each other.

Pictures later, at least for some. And I apologize for all of the vagueness, but I hate sharing works-in-progress. At least of the “creative” type, as opposed to a traditional item like the monster granny creature over there in my flickr. It’s just a thing with me. *shrug* The mantra here is, whatever works, and that works for me.

Now that I’m all settled in…

It’s probably past time for a substantive post.

I don’t have much, though.

I’ve been thinking about what it is that I want to do when I can actually get a shop opened, but the conclusions I’ve drawn aren’t something I’m ready to send out in the world yet. Does that sound weird? I have this habit, though, of sucking the life out of things before I can even get them going because I talk them to death before they can happen. I need to *do* first and point to what I’ve done after, if that makes any sense. Otherwise they don’t get done.

I need to go through and pick out what I’m going to put over on the other site as possible direct sales and get pics while it’s sunny this afternoon. I’m terrified of doing that, but it’s a nice way to possibly sell off some of what doesn’t fit with the theme that’s beginning to evolve in my work, and maybe make us a little less desperately broke at the same time.

Not that this is desperately broke. There is, after all, more money we know will be coming. Truly desperately broke would be if there was no income in sight.

I really need to feel less useless. Even if nobody goes for any of it, just trying helps.

More later.

Hello world!

Woo-hoo! Got it set up…now to get things moved around! I love this message:

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!