Monthly Archives: June 2007

Other progress.

I’ve been quiet because I’m about 98% sure I’m going to move this blog any time now, and I have this strange reticence about continuing to post knowing I’m going to be moving it, even though that makes absolutely no sense since it’s just as easy to move another post or two as it is to do what’s already here. Just one of those things, I guess.

I’ve been on a serious cleaning binge and haven’t gotten much work done the last few days, so there’s not really anything to report on that front.

Er, that’s about it. 🙂

Ripple Progress

I haven’t actually gotten started yet, though I think I probably will. I have a huge amount of the rainbow assortment I used in that granny square blanket left here and I’m thinking a ripple about the same size would be pretty in those colors. Just because it’s predictable doesn’t mean it isn’t pleasing, right?

I’ve been looking at patterns. I don’t want to actually use one, since there’s a possibility that I’ll sell this project, but I am seriously in need of ripply inspiration and the pattern browsing is giving me ideas. I don’t have any illusions about the fact that whatever stitch pattern I settle on will have been done before by someone somewhere, but it’s important to me that I originate it anyway. Partially this is for the selling thing, and partially because I want to *really* understand what I’m doing, and having to think it through to that extent will be good for my understanding. I know it’s basic, but it’s still fascinating to me.

I’ve been looking at the pics of the hat I just finished and I’m pretty dissatisfied with it. It made a good trial run, though, and I think I know how to make it look the way I saw it in my head. I’ll probably start on that tomorrow, while the idea is still fresh in my mind.

I can’t believe how quickly this has all become a focus for me again, but I’m so excited by the things I’m making that I just can’t slow down. It’s a really good feeling, and I’m determined to enjoy it while it lasts.

First Hat

It’s not perfect, but it’s finished, and the girl is in love with it, which in my book makes it a total success. Woo-hoo!

And yes, I have got to be better about getting pictures of these things. 🙂


That scarf for my daughter turned out so well that I’m thinking I’ll try making a hat and mittens to go with it. I have more than enough of the yarn I’m using (some Red Heart Soft that I picked up on clearance at Wal-Mart, figuring I’d find something to do with it), so why not?

One of the things I’m slowly learning is that it’s ok to try things out. Sometimes they turn out well and sometimes they don’t, but if they don’t, it’s OK. Really. This is a bigger leap for me than it should be, but it’s how I’ve always been. I’m just not a fan of doing things I don’t already know I can totally rock. *shrug*

That’s pretty much all I got done yesterday, since I spent a decent portion of the day on the latest round of automotive follies, but I’m thrilled with it. Pictures to come after the next time I find the silly camera cable.

If you can’t figure out what to finish, then start something else!

Now added to the growing list: toddler scarf! We’ll have a warm three year old this winter. And bookmark! In the same nifty stitch pattern, which is one I’m sure I’ve seen somewhere other than the baby blanket I thieved it from yesterday. Sc, ch1, 2 dc. A nice shell sort of thing. Absolutely lovely, and fun to work.

I love being good enough at this to be able to do that, too: the blanket was a gift from a friend of ours for our first, and I’ve always liked it, so I sat down and took a good look and figured out what the patten was and what the multiple had to be and made a swatch and lo and behold, a scarf! So. Freaking. Cool.

Why, oh why?

I’m really, really wanting to start another baby blanket like the one in my header. I know the squares will drive me crazy, I know I can’t finish it before the baby comes because it will be way too hot to assemble it, and I know that I’ll be annoyed at having to finish it whenever it finally gets finished, but I want to, dammit.


I so need to think of something pretty to make with some of that yarn. Maybe that will take the edge off the craving. 🙂

Works in Progress Update

*Started two card wallets. These I think will be finished with business cards in mind. I’m dying to make something more complicated, but I’d like to be a bit more assured of my construction before I go getting all crazy with something that would see heavier use than keeping business cards neat and clean. And looking cool. Of course. 🙂

*I have a snowman who has been underway for ages. I need something to weight his bottom down so that he stands properly and I haven’t figured out quite how I want to do it yet, so there he sits.

*The toy design idea I had is coming along too well to jinx by talking about it.

Mostly I’m trying to come up with creative things to do with the yarn I have, since payday isn’t here yet. It keeps me in some sort of reasonable check when I just plain don’t have the funds, but it’s depressing even if it forces the sort of improvisation that some of the best stuff comes from.

Pardon the rearrangements…

I’m trying to make the place look a little more lived-in, but I’m having trouble deciding what to put where.

Of course, once I decide I’ll just wind up changing it in a week, anyway. LOL. But it will be nice to make it look less “new,” even though it is. 🙂

Bits of this and bits of that…

First, let me note that it was 90 ever-lovin’ degrees here today, which was just not cool at all. I really need to find my window unit and get it installed if summer’s really started.

Not really anything of note in the project category. I made a funky bookmark that I don’t think worked out at all. I’m working on a toy design idea that’s promising in early going.

One of the things that frightens me a little about the possibility of doing this as a business is the reliance I’d be forced to have on the postal system. We seem to have developed this weird sporadic problem with mail just not getting to us. Normally, it’s a bill here and a bill there that mysteriously go missing, which is a big enough deal because without bill in hand, it won’t get paid. Now a check that should have been here already is not, and it’s about to turn an automatic payment I can’t stop into electronic rubber. *sigh*

I started a Flickr account for my crochet exclusively, but I haven’t had a chance to sort through and upload pictures yet. The Great Motherboard Disaster of ’07 resulted in the loss of my favorite photo editing program for the moment, so I’ve been really slow to deal with my recent pics. Soon, soon.

I’ve also really got to fix this site up a bit…you know, like get all crazy and include actual content in the sidebar, lol. Soon, too.

Grannies away!

Far away from me, lol.

I love granny squares, but I inevitably get tired of them before I’ve finished what I’m doing. This is why when I opened the mystery tote labeled “yarn”, I found two half-finished granny square projects waiting for me. One is about ten years old and well-mangled by my impatience. I’ll never (ha!) start anything like that again! Planned for 315 squares, most of which would be 4 rounds in 4 colors…I don’t know what I was thinking. I must have been feeling patient that winter. I got bored and started joining and improvising, and the thing looks a mess in its current form. I’ll wait until next winter to rescue it. It still makes my head hurt, and it’s been years since I worked on it.

The other thing was a bright, beautiful rainbow square assortment, already partially prejoined. After staring at it for a few minutes, I realized that the addition of 12 squares and a border and I’d have a lovely blanket for laying the new baby down to play on. So I finished it this last week, and it turned out every bit as gorgeous as I thought it would. So pretty, in fact, that I’m tempted to make another…

It really *is* an addiction.

Pictures will be forthcoming once I get the camera downloaded, but for reference, the header pic is exactly the blanket I’m talking about, unfinished.