Grannies away!

Far away from me, lol.

I love granny squares, but I inevitably get tired of them before I’ve finished what I’m doing. This is why when I opened the mystery tote labeled “yarn”, I found two half-finished granny square projects waiting for me. One is about ten years old and well-mangled by my impatience. I’ll never (ha!) start anything like that again! Planned for 315 squares, most of which would be 4 rounds in 4 colors…I don’t know what I was thinking. I must have been feeling patient that winter. I got bored and started joining and improvising, and the thing looks a mess in its current form. I’ll wait until next winter to rescue it. It still makes my head hurt, and it’s been years since I worked on it.

The other thing was a bright, beautiful rainbow square assortment, already partially prejoined. After staring at it for a few minutes, I realized that the addition of 12 squares and a border and I’d have a lovely blanket for laying the new baby down to play on. So I finished it this last week, and it turned out every bit as gorgeous as I thought it would. So pretty, in fact, that I’m tempted to make another…

It really *is* an addiction.

Pictures will be forthcoming once I get the camera downloaded, but for reference, the header pic is exactly the blanket I’m talking about, unfinished.

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