Monthly Archives: July 2012

Knitting Woes

I have a lousy relationship with knitting.

I love knitting dishcloths. I love knitting anything where I don’t have to get gauge. But the garments and accessories I’d really like to make? They’ve become my mortal enemy.

I think this is partially because I haven’t knit many of these sorts of things, so I don’t have an eye for them yet. I think this is partially because I don’t knit enough to have developed a consistent gauge. I think this might also be due to the issue that all knitters face with getting a gauge swatch to have anything to do with the larger garment.

But every. single. time. I’ve tried to knit this sort of thing I’ve failed miserably. My CPH wound up in the pond. I’m about to throw these lovely gloves out the window. (I adore the 4-ply version even more, but I couldn’t even get *close* on that one).

Hell, I started a garter stitch scarf last night and promptly discovered that it was so not a good way to get rid of my stray skeins of Homespun. Not a good way at all.

I think I ought to put the needles away for a while. It might save what little is left of my sanity.

This is what I did to my crochet:

I’ve been slowly working on a Vintage Vertical Stripe afghan for the last year or two, and I’ve been rather severely hampered by the fact that I made it way, way too long to start with. I was planning to have the stripes run vertically on a bed, and I totally overestimated how long it would need to be, which I suppose was my penalty for starting it while I was in the middle of the woods.

So when I realized I was never going to finish it, and when I realized that I really, *really* didn’t want to send it to the frog pond, I decided to try something radical. Worst case, it gets tossed. best case, it gets revived. Why not?

After carefully cutting a couple of feet off of it, I started unraveling the cut edge and reworking the last stitch or three. I did one row at a time and worked up:

On the “wrong side” rows, it took a little more finagling and working some twisted stitches, but it came out looking fine. The right side was dead simple. By about halfway through I was fairly certain that what I was doing would actually work.

And with another half-hour of work, I discovered it had.

I have some weaving of ends to do, but I needed to do that anyway.

I won’t lie. I feel dreadfully clever. And I’m pretty excited that I’ll most likely finish the thing now. How could I not?