Another weekend down.

And it turned out to be a busier one than I thought it would be. Ought to seem downright relaxing compared to this week and next weekend, though. We’ve got a yard sale to prep for and the sale itself Saturday, on top of all of the other work going on, so it’ll be exciting, that’s for sure.

Whoever said it was supposed to be less humid today was wrong. Jerk.

I got my favorite creature ever up at the Etsy shop–that would be Clyde over there, and I love him so much I want to just keep him for myself. So sad to let him go, but if he can make somebody else smile the way he makes me smile, it’s all good.

I’ve got several other things within a reasonable distance of being finished, but there’s not likely to be too much crochet going on this week with everything else that needs done. I’d like to get the squiggly out of my hair, at the very least. I’ve also started working on some squares to send to this effort. Just because. And there’s still a creature or two in the works. And I’m still plugging away at the patterns…

Eeeep. I’d better get going and get going!

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