Sorry I’ve been so quiet…

I just haven’t had a lot to say.

It’s been hot…like hide in our single air-conditioned room hot. And when it isn’t, I’ve been frantically trying to catch up with the housework. I’ve got a maximum of two weeks before this baby gets here and I’m getting a little stressed.

I made my first sale last week…a custom order that I think turned out pretty well. The person who bought it seemed thrilled, too, and I hope she still likes it as well after having a chance to use it.

I’m still stuck in dishcloth-making mode, though I’ve got a couple of other things brewing, too. It’s frustrating because my head is just full of ideas and I just don’t have the time to execute them. I should make detailed notes so that I can pick this back up in a couple of months. It’s going to be slow of necessity around here for a bit, given that newborns are cuddly things. (And it’s wonderful that they are! It’s just that I need two hands to crochet…lol).

Anyway, more when I get a chance. It’s bearable today, so I’m working through the laundry backlog. Fun stuff. 😀

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