
Between all of the car drama this week and a couple of good nights of sleep, I’ve got all I can do to stay awake today. You know how when you’ve been sleeping badly for a while and you get a night of really deep sleep it makes you feel really, really tired all over again? Oh, yeah. It cooled off quite a bit here and it’s just been awesome. I’m so ready for summer-summer to be over. I love summer-fall, and I think it’s here. Been able to feel it in the air for a few days now…the heat comes back, on and off, but you can tell it just came over for coffee and has no intention of spending the night.

Sheesh. What a mangled metaphor.

Work-wise, I just finished a custom order (which I really, really hope she likes), I’m within some computer tricks of having my first pattern complete and ready to sell, and I’ve got another item or two or so that can go up, and a couple of things to re-photograph for relisting later. I’d like to have a few things ready for when I go back to the shop after the birth. There’s another potential custom job pending, too. I can’t believe how busy I’ve become with all of this or how happy it’s making me. I am really, truly loving what I’m doing. And that might just be one of the best feelings there is.

Housework-wise, I need to abandon this post and go mop the kitchen floor before it gets any warmer today. Oh, yay. The living room is trashed at this point,too since we’ve been eating in here. The kitchen table has become a computer lab of sorts. Which is fine and dandy. I actually rather expected it…the husband’s got way, way more computer equipment than is going to fit even in a reconfigured version of his office. It’s just inconvenient. But inconvenient can move in if it pays the bills…

Midwife tomorrow. I always get nervous for these because I feel like they’re just looking for an excuse to evict the little one. Luckily, I’m seeing the calmest gal in the whole group. Then Friday morning it’s pre-op at the hospital, and Monday morning we’re having a baby.

So I’m off, I guess, to start blasting through the list of things that have to be done before then…

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