Things are slowly returning to normal.

I’m working on a pattern for one of my favorite aliens, and on some washcloths that I think are turning out rather nicely. It’s a struggle to carve out the time, and I should probably be sleeping instead of crocheting, but it makes me saner than I would be otherwise, so it’s going down in my book as officially a Good Thing.

It helps immeasurably to be blessed with a calm baby. Well, at least he’s calm so far. Can you hear me knocking on wood? LOL.

Two items: first, this sounds so much like our house lately that I wound up reading it to my husband and my mother, both of whom laughed even harder than I did. And second, this is an absolutely brilliant way to do amigurumi hair, and a really good explanation of how her method works, and I don’t know any better way to thank a blogger than with a link. 😀 Thanks, Owly. You rock.

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