
Back soon.

Those posts drive me nuts.

So where was I? I have a ridiculous amount of energy, creative and otherwise, but no opportunity to focus it, and that’s beginning to wear on me pretty heavily. I’m dreaming crochet and I have no time to do anything other than crank out dishcloths for the craft fair thingy I’m doing in a couple of weeks. I hope it pays off.

It’s the whole brain-body-life mismatch thing again. Like I’m sitting in first gear with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake and I don’t know whether to let go the brake and go flying through the side of the garage I’m in, or whether to let go the gas and spend the next six months in bed, or whether I’ll burn something out trying to balance the two before I figure it out. Don’t ask me why I couldn’t back off both of the things and control the damned car already. That’s not me. Never has been. If I could do that, my life would look a hell of a lot different than it does. And I probably wouldn’t be dreaming in crochet.

This is the part where I feel like I said too much about myself and disappear for a week. Hopefully there will be another pattern ready by the time I resurface, though. 😀

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