Freeform Weekend

I’m more than half-finished with my piece for the 2008 International Freeform Crochet Challenge, which is wonderful not just because it needs to be done Real Soon Now but also because it’s starting to come together and I did not, as I had feared, produce some unworkable *thing* that would have to be tossed out the window and run over repeatedly for the good of humanity. I’m actually rather pleased with it so far. We’ll have to see if it turns out the way I’m picturing it. I may not be so pleased by the end of the day, lol. Unfortunately, I can’t show this one to you right now. Fortunately, that means that once the show is up I’ll have tons of freeform-y goodness to link you to.

And that’s pretty much been my weekend. The weather has been unexpectedly lovely, so we did some work out in the yard and let the kids run around like kids out there yesterday, which was awesome for everyone involved. Not what I had planned to do, but it worked! So I guess the rest of my weekend has been a bit freeform, too. Heh.

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