Category Archives: Life

I just don’t have much to say.

Still working my fingers off. I’ve got some absolutely lovely stuff done that will be going in the shop. Still housewares-y, dishcloths and the like. Have a new idea for a coaster floating around in my head, and if I can do what I think I’ll be able to with it I’ll be mighty pleased. Made the most awesome little pocket meant to be the size to hold a few teabags and sweeteners in a purse or something. I’m sure I saw the idea somewhere…I love this trend of a specific accessory for a specific purpose. All of the things that get beat to hell in a purse deserve their own little cozies to keep them safe. 🙂 I got my huge shipment of thread and I’ve got several things planned for that. And I’m almost done with the special order I’ve been working on.

The sad thing is that today was supposed to be a bit cooler and it changed its mind about actually, following through on that little promise so even though I’m terribly uncomfortable just sitting here I’m going to have to go clean the kitchen, since I left it for today when it was supposed to be cooler. I absolutely loathe it when that happens.

And yes, I will soon be less obsessed with the weather. Just as soon as the seasons start to change. You see, we have a heater, so the weather in winter interests me considerably less than the unaltered summer weather. LOL.

It really hasn’t been a bad summer. But the dewpoint is 76 degrees right now, and I’m tempted to start muttering about how if I wanted to live in the tropics I would, you know , live in the tropics…


I love New England!

I was going to add some stuff to the store this morning, but it’s raining unexpectedly (!) and it’s far too dark to get credible pictures.

So I suppose I’ll make more stuff instead. Not that that’s a *bad* thing…

Yet another odd weekend.

Sounds like a blog name. LOL.

We were supposed to do a yard sale yesterday and didn’t. I needed to pick up the Harry Potter book so I went hunting for the thread to do a special order with while I was out. I only managed to lay hands on one color I’d need (and white), so I’m going to have to order the other, which is (of course!) leading to a teeny crisis of sorts, because shipping and handling is weird and I can’t figure out how to work the ordering so that it doesn’t give me a headache. I’ll be ordering it today, though, whatever I decide, so that I’ll have plenty of time to get this done before the baby makes his appearance. If he waits until he’s scheduled to, anyway…

More troubling is that Michaels is apparently about to redo their yarn section. They were already ripping it apart at the first one I went to. And I’m not liking what they’ve done so far, though we’ll have to see what’s what when they’ve finished. It looks, though, like one of the things they’re doing is cutting their selection of crochet thread in half. Cebelia is gone, except in white and ecru. At least they still had more than one size of those. *sigh* The second one I went to had the colors on clearance. I also picked up some clearance Sugar ‘n Cream in the big 12 oz skeins. I’d have loved to grab one of every color, but I restrained myself. 5 bucks. 5 bucks! And I couldn’t manage more than three without invoking the credit gods, and they have a job to do getting thread at Joann’s online today so I didn’t dare.

Did I say *sigh*?

So that all turned into a pretty extensive trip. I took the kids with me and they were, for whatever reason, absolutely angelic. Go figure.

So I got home, tried to figure out how to order most cost-effectively for a while, and when that got frustrating, dived into the Potter book and read pretty much non-stop through to the end. And I liked it. And that makes me very, very happy.

So today I’ve got to finish a couple of things I have pending for the shop, and do the cleaning I’ve been threatening to do while it’s reasonably cool, and do that ordering, and…I’m sure I’m forgetting something, but it ought to be busy. I’ve still got stash to detangle, charity squares to send out, and a couple of shop descriptions to add metric measurements to, too. Oh, and a squiggle to finish and figure out how to fix. So yeah. I’m scarce. And that’s before factoring in that I’m doing this all at half-speed, because this baby will be here no later than four weeks from tomorrow…

I’m tired just thinking about it. Also insanely happy. Those things tend to go together for me, weirdly enough.

I’ve still got to get the pictures off the camera…

But I’ve got what I think are some rather amusing ones of the kiddos ripping the stash from its home and thoroughly tangling it up.


I spent several hours last night straightening out the worst of it, which was stupid because it was a third of a 2 dollar hunk of yarn. But it’s MY hunk of yarn, dammit, and I’ll be damned if I’ll let the little shits kill it.

How I’m going to handle a third, I don’t know.

5 weeks to go.

And I’m feeling both panicky and too tired to do all that needs doing. The weather doesn’t help. It seems to be 86 and humid every day, which is entirely normal and just a bit obnoxious, all at the same time. Today it looks like it’s going to rain, and the cloud cover is making it even harder to stay awake than it otherwise would be.

Oh well. *shrug*

Here’s a pic of the squiggle for you. I’ve been adding a row every few nights as I get around to it between other projects. It’s sort of pretty and hideous at the same time, yes?


Another weekend down.

And it turned out to be a busier one than I thought it would be. Ought to seem downright relaxing compared to this week and next weekend, though. We’ve got a yard sale to prep for and the sale itself Saturday, on top of all of the other work going on, so it’ll be exciting, that’s for sure.

Whoever said it was supposed to be less humid today was wrong. Jerk.

I got my favorite creature ever up at the Etsy shop–that would be Clyde over there, and I love him so much I want to just keep him for myself. So sad to let him go, but if he can make somebody else smile the way he makes me smile, it’s all good.

I’ve got several other things within a reasonable distance of being finished, but there’s not likely to be too much crochet going on this week with everything else that needs done. I’d like to get the squiggly out of my hair, at the very least. I’ve also started working on some squares to send to this effort. Just because. And there’s still a creature or two in the works. And I’m still plugging away at the patterns…

Eeeep. I’d better get going and get going!

Sorry no update Stop

Ran away from heat Stop Update tomorrow Stop

Seriously, haven’t been near a computer since I optimistically predicted updating the shop yesterday. And when I’m done typing this, I won’t be near one again for the rest of the day. So it’ll have to wait a bit longer. 🙁 Silly life, getting in the way again…

Ah, the weekend.

Now that it’s over, I can get some rest. LOL.

Seriously, it was really, really nice. And I even have some crochet to show for it, coming up a little later. I’ve got pictures to take first. I finished the purple coin purse/card wallet…that was my big accomplishment. And really? That’s not such a bad one, you know?

I also totally failed in my quest to make vaguely alien-looking butterfly wings. But I know an awful lot about what’s not going to work now.

Ack. Off to grab another cup of coffee…

You’ve got to love the holiday.

Well, you don’t. But you know what I mean.

I’m not sure what it is–I think it was the thing being on Wednesday–but my whole freaking week just got destroyed. I keep thinking longingly of summers when I was a kid…it seems like we never had anyplace we *had* to be. Maybe that’s because we were kids, and the stress of going here and there was pretty much lost on us, but I think we really did have fewer events to be at. Not that I don’t love getting to see all of the people we get to see over the course of the summer, but I’m exhausted already and it’s only the beginning of July. The fourth just sort of drove that home. We had a wonderful, wonderful time, but I needed to sleep for a day afterward. Of course, being 8 months pregnant isn’t really helping with that, lol.

More on the crochet stuff soon. I was going to do an “evolution of a squiggle” post but I haven’t quite gotten there yet. There are some pics in my flickr if you’re interested, though.

One of the nice things about always having a portable crochet project going on…

Is that it makes long waits in doctors’ offices much less annoying.

I’m very nearly finished with a new card wallet I’ve been working on after the adventure I had trying to see the midwife today. I really, really felt sorry for all of them in there…it was one of *those* days…but I got quite a lot accomplished, so it worked out for me, anyway. LOL. It’s nice to work without any kids helping from time to time, too.