Long Week.

I would absolutely *love* to be updating here more often, but we’ve got so much going on in my household right now it’s just insanely difficult. By the end of the day I’m too exhausted to write anything that makes any sense.

One more run-though on that design, I think, and it’ll be ready for testing. I have one out for testing right now that the feedback is starting to come in on, too. So in the pattern category, we’re making pretty big progress.

In the stuff-I’m-making-up-as-I-go-along category, I’m really happy with one project I just started and really unhappy with the scarf I’ve already put a considerable amount of work into. I think that’s going to get ripped back and redone. And I’m not sure how I’ll need to handle the yarn at that point, so I’m a bit exhausted at the thought of it. I see possibly re-skeining and washing and making a ball out of it in my future. Which wouldn’t be such a pain if it wasn’t sock yarn and I wasn’t without appropriate tools. Still, though, we’ll see.

I think I’ve found my problem with knitting, which is that the projects I’ve chosen aren’t anywhere near hard enough. No challenge = boring = knitting? Why do people *do* this? So I’m going to have to find something that will make me crazy to do. Right now I’m leaning toward jumping right into lace. Of course, this will have to wait until I have a few dollars I can spend on appropriate supplies, which may be a while. But I’m not giving up on knitting until I’ve tried something insanely hard and still feel meh about it. I really think I won’t, at that point.

Also? I’m one of the three people on the planet who *likes* to purl. Heh.

And that’s about it for the moment. More details when I can provide them. 🙂

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