Category Archives: Knitting

Very quick update.

I’m knitting this.

It’s making me happy.

Long Week.

I would absolutely *love* to be updating here more often, but we’ve got so much going on in my household right now it’s just insanely difficult. By the end of the day I’m too exhausted to write anything that makes any sense.

One more run-though on that design, I think, and it’ll be ready for testing. I have one out for testing right now that the feedback is starting to come in on, too. So in the pattern category, we’re making pretty big progress.

In the stuff-I’m-making-up-as-I-go-along category, I’m really happy with one project I just started and really unhappy with the scarf I’ve already put a considerable amount of work into. I think that’s going to get ripped back and redone. And I’m not sure how I’ll need to handle the yarn at that point, so I’m a bit exhausted at the thought of it. I see possibly re-skeining and washing and making a ball out of it in my future. Which wouldn’t be such a pain if it wasn’t sock yarn and I wasn’t without appropriate tools. Still, though, we’ll see.

I think I’ve found my problem with knitting, which is that the projects I’ve chosen aren’t anywhere near hard enough. No challenge = boring = knitting? Why do people *do* this? So I’m going to have to find something that will make me crazy to do. Right now I’m leaning toward jumping right into lace. Of course, this will have to wait until I have a few dollars I can spend on appropriate supplies, which may be a while. But I’m not giving up on knitting until I’ve tried something insanely hard and still feel meh about it. I really think I won’t, at that point.

Also? I’m one of the three people on the planet who *likes* to purl. Heh.

And that’s about it for the moment. More details when I can provide them. 🙂

FAL update. Again. Because I’ve got *nothing* today.

So my Finishalongapalooza list looked like this:

1 magic scarf…I’m still working on the first pattern repeat. Of course, I just started last night. Heh.

1 Irish Hiking Scarf, which despite having been frogged still makes the list because I’ve started it twice already and I WILL make the dratted thing, since it’s lovely and fun.

1 log cabin ‘ghan (starter panel done)

1 small rectangle granny ‘ghan (maybe 1/4 done, at the outside)

1 giant granny gift ‘ghan (probably 1/6 of the way into it)

1 Monster

3 small freeform projects

1 freeform project not yet started for submission

1 yellow pouch

2 little design projects

1 “fishy fishy”

and the design project that’s been costing me what hair hasn’t been leaping off my head of its own accord (oh, the joys of childbearing, lol).

And after most of January, it now looks like this:

1 magic scarf…I’m still working on the first pattern repeat. Of course, I just started last night. Heh.

1 Irish Hiking Scarf, which despite having been frogged still makes the list because I’ve started it twice already and I WILL make the dratted thing, since it’s lovely and fun. Abandoned to the whims of my pocketbook. It’s yarn diet time, hardcore. No going out to pick up yarn and needles for this one.

1 log cabin ‘ghan (starter panel done) Abandoned to the baby, who is using it as a teether.

1 small rectangle granny ‘ghan (maybe 1/4 done, at the outside)

1 giant granny gift ‘ghan (probably 1/6 of the way into it)

1 Monster

3 small freeform projects

1 freeform project not yet started for submission

1 yellow pouch

2 little design projects

1 “fishy fishy”

and the design project that’s been costing me what hair hasn’t been leaping off my head of its own accord (oh, the joys of childbearing, lol).

Not too bad. Not too bad at all.

Finishalongapalooza Update.

From this list, the following modifications:

The Magic Scarf is well underway now, though it’s still likely to take me the next 6 months at the rate I knit/make time to knit.

I’m crossing the IHS off the list because I have no idea when I’ll be able to buy needles or yarn better suited to it and I don’t like the way it’s staring at me.

2 of the 3 freeform projects have caused me to throw my hands up in frustration and start a 4th, because they are just not telling me what they want to be, and that one is willing to for right now.

One design has me beating my head against the wall, now that I’m out of hair.

And the log cabin? Abandoned to the baby, who snatched it out of my lap to chew on.

Big plan today is to finish the Organization of the Stash. And clean the bathroom. Stash first. If I’m lucky, it will take aaaallll day and I can worry about the bathroom tomorrow. Which attitude explains why my house perpetually looks like hell.

Re: the Finishalongapalooza

It has been brought to my attention that the Misses Lime & Violet have embarked upon a most excellent adventure known as the Finishalongapalooza. So I went looking for WIPs, and this is what I came up with:

1 magic scarf…I’m still working on the first pattern repeat. Of course, I just started last night. Heh.

1 Irish Hiking Scarf, which despite having been frogged still makes the list because I’ve started it twice already and I WILL make the dratted thing, since it’s lovely and fun.

1 log cabin ‘ghan (starter panel done)

1 small rectangle granny ‘ghan (maybe 1/4 done, at the outside)

1 giant granny gift ‘ghan (probably 1/6 of the way into it)

1 Monster

3 small freeform projects

1 freeform project not yet started for submission

1 yellow pouch

2 little design projects

1 “fishy fishy”

and the design project that’s been costing me what hair hasn’t been leaping off my head of its own accord (oh, the joys of childbearing, lol).

Most of these are either really small or really fast. I totally didn’t count my perpetual dishcloth making, either.

The thing I most want to finish? The Monster.

Nothing to frog right now, I don’t think. I went on a tear before Christmas, and I think I got ’em all. 🙂

I think I had something else to say about this idea but today’s been such a freaking Monday that if I did, I’ve got no clue what it was. Yee-haw!

I am SO exciting!

Totally spending New Year’s Eve playing with yarn and poking around Ravelry. I’ve been so slow to really use and appreciate that site. Have to take some pics and add projects soon.

I’m also working on a design that’s a rethinking of another design of mine, and it’s looking like it’ll wind up combining knit and crochet. Oooooh, heresy. But really? I think they play well together in this context, make things more interesting. We’ll see how it goes. I’ve done about 12 crocheted versions in the last week and I just wasn’t loving any of them. Heresy! LOL.

Of course, I got the Harmony Stitch Guides for crochet for Christmas, so the needles might be getting mighty lonesome pretty soon here. 😀

Er, back to it. Carry on. Something like that!

Knitting progress.

Still working on the obligatory scarf, still enjoying it. It’s very different, though, isn’t it? Amazing.

Pics sooner or later. 😀

First bit of knitting…


That’s Peaches & Creme in Licorice, because I really am that cotton obsessed.

After finishing this little square, I immediately launched into the obligatory garter stitch scarf, since I’d been planning to start one of some sort for my three-year-old anyway, and she’ll love it no matter how uneven it is. I’ll need at least that length to get my tension nice and consistent. Might be longer. I’m finding that bit much more difficult than I do with crochet…but then, I’ve been crocheting over 20 years now, so I don’t doubt it was a challenge when I started, too.

I’m terribly impressed with how soft this little swatch is.

I’m a bit smitten for sure. More to come…

And socks.

I have this sudden, desperate yearning to knit socks.

I don’t understand it, either.

New Category

I’m going bicraftual.

Hey, if Emma can learn to crochet (and so quickly and well that I keep clicking over there to see what she’s done now), I can learn to knit, right? *ducks under thrown tomato* OK, I think knitting is way more difficult, but I’ve decided to decide I think that just because I’m relatively unfamiliar with it (and I’ll stop torturing this sentence now, so no need to call the UN).

In other words, it’s time to get out of my own way and just learn the thing, or at least the rudiments. Time will tell if it will become a love affair or not.

I got all excited about doing this because I was poking around on Ravelry the other day and found a link to this and my reaction was, “hey, I could do that!” instead of hiding under the desk cowering in fear, so that’s another good indicator that it’s time.

Also–and this is going to sound monstrously artsy–I keep picturing a freeform piece I’m working on with a garter stitch section in it and I can’t convince myself to crochet the thing instead. So I *have* to figure it out or it will forever look wrong to me, and if it turns out like I’m starting to think it will, that would be tragic.

Now if I could just get a few minutes to actually work on, well, *anything* I’d be all set. LOL.